Sperifer sp.  Sowerby 1818


life-size model

Zoological classification

Phylum: Brachiopoda

Class: Rhynchonellata

Order: Speriferida

Familiy: Spiriferidae

Genus: Spirifer sp.

Further information

At their peak in the Paleozoic era, the brachiopods were among the most abundant filter-feeders and reef-builders in the sea, and occupied as well ecologigal niches. Brachiopod fossils have been useful indicators of climate changes during the Paleozoic.

Spirifer sp. attach to hard surfaces with its pedicle ("stalk"). It has a lophophore, a crown of tentacles whose cilia (fine hairs) create a water current that enables them to filter food particles out of the water.

Silurian - Jurassic

Description of the model:

The models are made by using casted fossil original finds, found in Gerolstein (D), middle devonian side. We offer two models.

No.1: Spirifer sp. with open shells. Visible are the lophophor and the tentacles used by the animal to filter the water for food particles.

No.2: Spirifer sp. with closed shells


No.1: Spirifer sp. with open shells. Visible are the lophophor and the tentacles used by the animal to filter the water for food particles.

Width: 7.4 cm

Depth: 2.8 cm

Height: 2.3 cm with pedicle 3.1 cm

No.2: Spirifer sp. with closed shells

Width: 7.4 cm

Depth: 2.8 cm

Height: 2 cm with pedicle 3.1 cm


No.1: (small with open shells) 110,00 €

No.2: (large with closed shells).  278,00 €

Our prices are quoted net and do not include packaging and freight.
Please respect our Conditions of delivery and payment.

Referencing address:

C. Kurz: Naturmuseum im Ottoneum Kassel

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Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod next to its fossil

Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod.

We offer two models.

Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod Model No.1

front view, visible is the lophophore with its fine haires which filter  food particles out of the water.

Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod Model No.1

rear view

Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod.

Model No. 1 with open shells.

Top view at the brachial valve

Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod.

lateral view two models.

Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod.

Model No. 2 with closed shells.

Top view at the pedical valve

Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod.

Model No.2 with closed shells.

front view

Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod.

Model No.2 with closed shells.

rear view

Spirifer sp. - reefbuilding devonian brachiopod.

Model No.2 with closed shells.

bottom view at the brachial valve