Charadrius dubius  Scopoli 1786

Little Ringed Plover

Life-size model

Zoological classification

Order: Charadriiformes
Family: Charadriidae


the Little Ringed Plover is a small wader, which occupies in an amazing manner biotops, which are re-arranged by humans. That�s why he can be observed in gravel pits, fallow industry areas and at dumps of mining debris, if they are water floated as well as usual at gravelbanks of rivers.


He is breeding in whole Europe except the far North and Ireland. along the German and British northsea coast and inland at sand- and gravelbanks.

Description of the model:

The model shows the Little Ringed Plover in breeding feathers in a step posture.
Susanne Henssen made the model in co-operation with Philipp Bauer.

The model was cast using high quality epoxy resin, reinforced with glassfibres. It was coloured using non-fade paint and varnish. We use glass eyes.
The model can be delivered with or without pebbel. On demand we deliver the model standing on a wodden board which allows - covered with gravel - an inconspicuous good stand in its natural enviroment. Very handy for short time usage on natural trails!


Body-length is about 15 cm.


447,00 € on pebble
425,00 € without pebble

Our prices are quoted net and do not include packaging and freight.
Please respect our Conditions of delivery and payment.

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Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
standing on a artifical pebble

Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
standing on a artifical pebble, in L.H. side view

Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
standing on a artifical pebble on a wodden board, which can be hidden under gravel. This ensures a good stand by using on nature trails.

Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
standing on a artifical pebble on a wodden board, which can be hidden under gravel. This ensures a good stand by using on nature trails.

Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
standing on a artifical pebble in back side view

Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
standing on a artifical pebble, in R.H. side view

Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
standing on a artifical pebble, in R.H. side view

Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
standing on a artifical pebble, front view

Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover

Charadrius dubius - Little Ringed Plover
Close-up of the legs