Ursus spelaeus  Rosenmüller

Cave Bear life-size model


He was found in landscapes with enough vegetation and useful caves from the lowland up to the high mountain region.


The Cave-bear lived between 400.000 and 100.000 years ago in Europe and is a typical ice-age animal.

Further information

The life-size model of the cave bear was reconstructed 1996 by Philippe Saunier in co-operation with the Bündner Naturmuseum Chur, Switzerland. The fur was modelled 2000 by Susanne Henssen.

Casting licence from

Bündner Naturmuseum Chur, Switzerland

Quartenary (Pleistocene)

Description of the model:

The model was casted using high quality epoxy resin, reinforced with glassfibres. It was coloured using non-fade paint and varnish. We use glass-eyes.


body length: about 2.50 m, shoulder height about 1.35 m, widest part of the model is abot 80 cm. Weight about 50 kg.


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Ursus spelaeus - Cave Bear
side view

Ursus spelaeus - cave bear
easy to climb onto and ideal for outdoor presentations.

Ursus spelaeus - Cave Bear

Ursus spelaeus - Cave Bear
Close-up of the head

Ursus spelaeus - cave bear
close-up of the hair structur