The tactile model of the gecko and the enlarged foot make it possible for visitors, with and without visual impairment, to understand the sensitive animal in the truest sense of the word.

Tactile model of the zoo animal of the year 2024, the gecko

The zoo animal of the year 2024 is the gecko. The Zoological Society for Species and Population Protection e.V. would like to draw attention to this in collaboration with many German zoos. Geckos are sensitive and cannot be touched in zoos. Our tactile model group offers this opportunity not only for the visually impaired. The day gecko model corresponds to a living day gecko in size, shape and structure and the enlargement of the foot shows the special properties of the sole of the foot, which allows it to walk on smooth surfaces. An ability that biomechanics has already become aware of.

Look for more tactile models here.

Mono Graptolith - Modell

Reconstruction of a graptolite colonie

Life-size plastic model of the orchid Ophrys holoserica.

Ophrys holoserica

Why not displaying an insect on the plant which is hinged on its service. The Orchid Ophrys holoserica is hinged on the longhorn-bee Eucera longocornis. The lip of the orchid attracts the male bee because of its  appearance. It looks for the male bee like a recipient female bee. While the male bee tries to mate the fake female it pollinates the flower accidentally with its head. From now on the model is on display in the Natural History Museum Solothurn (CH). We offer the whole model or just parts of the artificial Orchid. Just let us know about your concept.

Food model of poor people`s food, a skilly soup, stale bread and coffee substitute

Skilly soup with stale bread and a cup of coffee substitute - food models

End of the 19th century, beginning of the 20th century the people in the Lower Rhine region suffered in poverty. A daily skilly soup, stale bread and coffee substitute was all people could have expected. The Niederrheinisches Freilichtmuseum in Grefrath shows in the Miez-Kate the poor nutrition during this time. We were pleased to produce the food models.

Brachiosaurids from the Lower Permian in Germany. We reconstructed two new models of the extinct small amphibians Apateon pedestris and Melanerpeton tenerum.


We reconstructed two models of branchiosaurids which show the two different physiques stream- type and pool-type which indicates a more or less oxygen containing habitat. For example show the distinct large external gills of Apateon pedestris typical characteristics the pond-type and the small external gills of Melanerpeton tenerum the ones of the stream type like in today's salamander larvae. Additionally skin pattern and structures are preserved in the fossil record. A lucky chance for every modelmaker!

Knucklebones - playing with bones. an ancient game which still makes fun to play, More information:


Astragale, L'Osselets, Astragaloi, Astragali, Astragalos, Schagai, Bikkelsteen, Talus - many names from different cultures for the same game of dice. We produce and sell this game. For more information and prices please visite our Online-Shop or contact us.

models of different species of berrie sprigs

Plants are not easy to conserve. Colour and shape are losing quickly their natural appearance. Models can solve this problems and show this fascinating species. We offer a variety of European berries.

Mounted skeletal reconstruction of Halitherium sp. on display in the Museum für Ur- und Ortsgeschichte Bottrop, Germany.

skeletal reconstruction of Halitherium sp.

The mounted skeletal reconstruction of Halitherium sp. is now on display in the Museum für Ur- und Ortsgeschichte, Quadrat Bottrop. The original was found in Kirchhellen and can be seen in the exhibition too. It shows the reconstruction work.