Alcedo atthis  Linnaeus 1758


Life-size model

Zoological classification
Order: Coraciiformes
Family: Alcedinidae

The colourful Kingfisher is wide-spread at fresh waters with steep banks that allow the digging of borrows.

He is breeding in Europe northwards upto Scotland, Stockholm, Estonia. Usually it stays permanently at one place, except in very cold winters. It is breeding as well in Northafrica, Asia Minor and in warmer parts of Asia, as Hokkaido and the Salomon Islands.

Further information
Germany's Bird of the year 2009

Description of the model:
The model group consists of two species. The female is sitting on a branch and the male (body-length about 18 cm) is flying with a small fish in his beak.

Susanne Henssen made the model in co-operation with Philipp Bauer (zoological preparator, Adetswil, Switzerland).
Both casts were produced using high quality epoxy resin, reinforced with glassfibres. It was coloured using UV-resistant acrylic paint and varnish. We use glass eyes.
sitting (female)specimen: body-length about 20 cm.
flying (male) specimen: bodylength about 18 cm.

flying male: 605,00 €
sitting female: 520,00 €

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Alcedo atthis - Kingfisher
The female specimen on display.

Alcedo atthis - Kingfisher
The female is sitting on a branch.

Alcedo atthis - Kingfisher
Close-up of the female specimen.

Alcedo atthis - Kingfisher
The male is flying with its pray to the borrow.

Alcedo atthis - Kingfisher
Close-up of the male

Alcedo atthis - Kingfisher
Close-up of the right wing.

Alcedo atthis - Kingfisher
On display at the Naturcenter "La Sauge", Cudrefin (CH)