The Common Sandpiper often lives along streams, rivers, but still waters are also used, preferring a firm sandy subsoil with a well-developed herbaceous layer and small, open gravelly spots. Breeding takes place on loosely vegetated river gravel banks, but also in steeply incised mountain rivers. As a migrant, it can be found on inland waters of all kinds and can be observed on loose driftwood alluvial deposits, small ponds and puddles. It also uses artificial bodies of water such as fish ponds, reservoirs or quarry ponds. By the sea, he also visits rocky and pebble coasts.
The Common Sandpiper is usually encountered alone, occasionally in small groups. It nests on the ground near freshwater. When threatened, the young may cling to their parent's body to be flown away to safety.
The common sandpiper breeds across most of temperate and subtropical Europe and Asia, and migrates to Africa, southern Asia and Australia in winter.
The model of the sandpiper is shown in breeding plumage in a slight walking position. Males and females look the same.
Modeled by Susanne Klein
The model is made of high-quality epoxy resin and is colored with UV-light-resistant acrylic paints and varnish. Available with or without pebble.
The model is made of high-quality epoxy resin and is colored with UV-light-resistant acrylic paints and varnish. We use glass eyes. On demand, the model can be mounted on a 12 mm thick support plate to ensure that the model stands securely. Covered with sand and pebbles the plate will be invisible in the natural environment. Very practical for short-term placement on nature trails.
length of the model16 cm
567,00 € without stone
592,00 € with stone
Our prices are quoted net and do not include packaging and freight.
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