Great Ramshorn Snail, Trumpet Shell (Planorbarius corneus)

Great Ramshorn Snail, Trumpet Shell

taktile model, scale 1:1

Described in:

Linnaeus 1758

Zoological classification

Order: Basommmatophora
Family: Planorbidae


Silent waters in lowlands with rich vegetation, tolerates periodical droughts. Their blood - like human blood - contains hemoglobin, which may lend these snails a bright reddish color.


Europe and W Asia, scattered distribution, often artificially introduced.

Description of the model:

The models are made of white, high quality epoxy resin. We offer different orientations of the shell if you would like to mount it on a board. Please tell us, which one you prefer.

Modelmaker: Susanne Klein


shell: Ø 34 mm


50,00 €

Our prices are quoted net and do not include packaging and freight.
Please respect our Conditions of delivery and payment.

Reference for the text:

FALKNER, G. (1989): Der farbige Naturführer - Weichtiere. Lizenzausgabe mit Genehmigung der Mosaik Verlag GmbH, München für die Bertelsmann Club GmbH, Gütersloh. S. 132

Great Ramshorn Snail, Trumpet Shell  Planorbarius corneus


tactil model of the shell

Great Ramshorn Snail, Trumpet Shell  Planorbarius corneus


tactil model of the shell

Great Ramshorn Snail, Trumpet Shell  Planorbarius corneus


tactil model of the shell

Great Ramshorn Snail, Trumpet Shell  Planorbarius corneus


tactil model of the shell