Limax cinereoniger  Wolf 1803

Ash-grey Slug

Life-size model

Zoological classification

Order: Stylommatophora
Family: Limacidae


Confined to forests of all types, crawling on the ground and in the trees. Hiding in stumps, decaying tree trunks and under bark. In the mountains even above the limit of trees.


Europe without N Scandinavia and the extreme south. In S Bulgaria between 400 and 1200 m.

Description of the model:

We offer two models with different size and bearing. Model 2 elongates its body to reach a higher point and shows the typical lower side , which is gray to black at margins, light in the central parts.

The models were modelled in co-operation with Philipp Bauer, they are made of high quality epoxy resin and coloured using non-fade paint and varnish. Modelmaker: Susanne Henssen


Model No.1: 14 cm
Model No.2: 15,5 cm


each 192,00 €

Our prices are quoted net and do not include packaging and freight.
Please respect our Conditions of delivery and payment.

Reference for the text:

FALKNER, G. (1989): Der farbige Naturführer - Weichtiere. Licensed edition with permission of Mosaik Verlag GmbH, München for the Bertelsmann Club GmbH, Gütersloh. S. 186

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Limax cinereoniger - Ash-grey Slug
model No.1 and 2 are on display

Limax cinereoniger - Ash-grey Slug
model No.1 and 2- overhead view
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Limax cinereoniger - Ash-grey Slug
model No.1 - L.H. side view
Limax cinereoniger - Ash-grey Slug
model No.1 - R.H. side view
Limax cinereoniger - Ash-grey Slug
model No.1 - close-up

Limax cinereoniger - Ash-grey Slug
model No.2 in a diorama

Limax cinereoniger - Ash-grey Slug
model No.2 - L.H. side view
Limax cinereoniger - Ash-grey Slug
model No.2 - R.H. side view
Limax cinereoniger - Ash-grey Slug
model No.2 - close-up