Planorbarius corneus  Linnaeus 1758

Great Ramshorn Snail, Trumpet Shell

Life-size model

Zoological classification

Order: Basommmatophora
Family: Planorbidae


Silent waters in lowlands with rich vegetation, tolerates periodical droughts. Their blood - like human blood - contains hemoglobin, which may lend these snails a bright reddish color.


Europe and W Asia, scattered distribution, often artificially introduced.

Description of the model:

The models are made of high quality epoxy resin and coloured using non-fade paint and varnish.

We offer the shell as well as tactile model.

Modelmaker: Susanne Henssen


shell: Ø 34 mm
body: 24 mm


200,00 €

Our prices are quoted net and do not include packaging and freight.
Please respect our Conditions of delivery and payment.

Reference for the text:

FALKNER, G. (1989): Der farbige Naturführer - Weichtiere. Licensed edition with permission of Mosaik Verlag GmbH, München for the Bertelsmann Club GmbH, Gütersloh. S. 132

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Planorbarius corneus - Great Ramshorn Snail

Planorbarius corneus - Great Ramshorn Snail
R.H. side view

Planorbarius corneus - Great Ramshorn Snail
L.H. side view
Planorbarius corneus - Great Ramshorn Snail
overhead view
Planorbarius corneus - Great Ramshorn Snail
view from below