Helix pomatia  Linnaeus 1758

Roman Snail, Edible Snail, Apple snail

Life-size model

Zoological classification

Order: Stylommatophora
Family: Helicidae


Forests and open habitats, especially along rivers. Prefers high humidity and lower temperatures.


SE and central Europe, in the W to S England and central France, in the N to S Sweden and Norway, in the E to Finland, Estonia, W Belarus and W Ukraine (Uzhgorod), Moldavia, Hungary, N and central Balkans to Rep. Makedonija, N Italy, introduced to Moskva, Kursk, Kyiv. In SW Bulgaria up to more than 1600 m.

Further information

Helix pomatia typically selects a light, moist, deep soil in order to ensure that its eggs fully develop. After laying their eggs in a hole, which can take 15-20 minutes per egg, they cover them with a mixture of slime and soil. No other direct parental care is provided. ("U.S Department of Agriculture", 1996)

Description of the model:

The models are made of high quality epoxy resin and coloured using non-fade paint and varnish. Because they varie regionally in colour we offer three types. Please choose the type by order.

We offer as well a model during egg deposition, which shows the snail in the digged hole with a clutch of 26 eggs. We cover the pedestal with natural soil. On demand we use your regional typical soil if you send it to us. The pedestal can be delivered as a wedge which can be easily incororated in a diorama.


bodylength: 88 mm
shell height: 48 mm

pedestal with egg depositing snail: 9 cm high, 8 cm wide, 8 cm deap


snail model: 215,00 €

Snail model during egg deposition: 378,00 €

Our prices are quoted net and do not include packaging and freight.
Please respect our Conditions of delivery and payment.

Reference for the text:

FALKNER, G. (1989): Der farbige Naturführer - Weichtiere. Licensed edition with permission of Mosaik Verlag GmbH, München for the Bertelsmann Club GmbH, Gütersloh. S. 250.

U.S Department of Agriculture. 1996. "U.S Department of Agriculture" (On-line). Raising Snails. Accessed October 17, 2007 at www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/AFSIC_pubs/srb96-05.htm.

Pick up your wanted models out
of our range of products by habitats

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail
Artifical shell and body.

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail during egg deposition
Artifical shell and body on a pedestal with a clutch of 26 eggs.

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail
Colour variation 1 - R.H. side view
Please select the colour for your order.

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail
Colour variation 2 - R.H. side view
Please select the colour for your order.

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail
Colour variation 3 - R.H. side view
Please select the colour for your order.

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail
Colour variation 1 - L.H. side view

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail
Colour variation 2 - close-up

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail during egg deposition
Artifical shell and body on a pedestal.

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail during egg deposition
Close-up of the head of the snail and the clutch of 26 eggs.

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail during egg deposition
Snail model in   rear view

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail during egg deposition
Artifical shell and body on a pedestal.

Overhead view.

Helix pomatia - Roman Snail during egg deposition
Artifical shell and body on a pedestal.