Euonymus europaeus  

spindle, European spindle, common spindle

branch with leaves and fruits, life-size model


It is present in Central and Eastern Europe up to the Caucasus. in the alps up to 1100m.

Further information

The seeds are hanging a wile under the fruits and can be easily consumt by frugivorous birds.

Description of the model:

The model shows a branch with several leaves and 8 fruits.
The model is made of high quality epoxy resin and was hand-coloured using non-fade paint and varnish.


778,00 €

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Referencing address:

Museum Solothurn, (CH)

Euonymus europaeus - spindle
branch with leaves and fruits, life-size model

Euonymus europaeus - spindle
branch with leaves and fruits, life-size model

Euonymus europaeus - spindle
branch with leaves and fruits, life-size model

Euonymus europaeus - spindel
The model shows differnet maturity levels of the fruit.

Euonymus europaeus - spindle
When ripe, the four lobes split open to reveal the orange seeds, which are hanging a while under the fruit

Euonymus europaeus - spindle
close-up of the fruit with the orange seeds