Crataegus monogyna  

Common hawthorn, may, mayblossom, maythorn, quickthorn, whitethorn, motherdie and haw

branch with fruits - live-size


The common hawthorn or single-seeded hawthorn, is a species of hawthorn native to Europe, northwest Africa and western Asia.

Further information

Haws are important for wildlife in winter, particularly thrushes and waxwings; these birds eat the haws and disperse the seeds in their droppings.

Description of the model:

The model shows a branch with several leaves and 15 fruits.
The model is made of high quality epoxy resin and was hand-coloured using non-fade paint and varnish.


12 x16 x 7,5 cm (LxWxH)


630,00 €

Our prices are quoted net and do not include packaging and freight.
Please respect our Conditions of delivery and payment.

Referencing address:

Museum Solthurn, CH

Crataegus monogyna - Common hawthorn
life-size model

Crataegus monogyna- Common hawthorn
life-size model

Crataegus monogyna- Common hawthorn
life-size model

Crataegus monogyna - Common hawthorn
life-size model

Crataegus monogyna - Common hawthorn
life-size model

Crataegus monogyna - Common hawthorn
close-up of the life-size model

Crataegus monogyna - Common hawthorn
close-up of the life-size model

Crataegus monogyna - Common hawthorn
close-up of the life-size model