tactile model

Further information

Karst aquifers typically develop in limestone. Surface water containing natural carbonic acid moves down into small fissures in limestone. This carbonic acid gradually dissolves limestone thereby enlarging the fissures. The enlarged fissures allow a larger quantity of water to enter which leads to a progressive enlargement of openings. Abundant small openings store a large quantity of water. The larger openings create a conduit system that drains the aquifer to springs.(1)

Description of the model:

The model is made of white highquality resin. It can be mounted on a black ground with tactile letters and braille.

Modelmaker: Susanne Klein


25 x 25 x 4 cm


780,00 €

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Reference for the text:

(1) Dreybrodt, Wolfgang (1988). Processes in karst systems: physics, chemistry, and geology. Springer Series in Physical Environment. Vol. 4. Berlin: Springer. pp. 2–3. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-83352-6. ISBN 978-3-642-83354-0.