Cooked ham

Life-size model

Further information

"We like to take breakfast on our balcony. A wasp came and cutted a large peace of our ham roll and flew away. A few minutes later she returned with her collegues and took further bits!" What we wonder about is a perfect offer for the wasps. Wasps feed their larvae with meat and insects during summer.
To show wasps in the same habitat as humans is just one idea where this model is handy to put on display.

Description of the model:

The models are made of high quality epoxy resin and coloured using non-fade paint and varnish. We offer two different models, which can be shown from all sides, in order to find a special arrangement. Please select the model by order.

On demand we deliver the model with wasps, please ask for an offer.


each 99,00 €
set 180,00 €

Our prices are quoted net and do not include packaging and freight.
Please respect our Conditions of delivery and payment.

Referencing address:

Naturmuseum Thurgau, Frauenfeld (CH)

Cooked ham
We offer two models, please select for your order.

Cooked ham
with prepared wasps on display in the Naturmuseum Frauenfeld (CH)
The wasps profit from the great meat offer.

Cooked ham
both models in combination
Cooked ham
Model No.1
Cooked ham
Model No. 2: close-up