
Presumably, no other type of display is more able to provide an impression of a habitat to the visitor than a diorama. Past or recent landscapes with animals and plants invite the observer, to discover nature and palaeontology with his own eyes.
By using new materials, techniques and concepts, which can include lighting, sound, temperature-control and smell, an exhibition take on a more realistic appearance.

We have experience in reconstructing large and small dioramas, and work in co-operation with painters and stucco workers. Care is taken to reach complete co-ordination between surface and background of the diorama to reach an optimal invisible transition between the two plains. We are also able to produce pools or different of substrate, which might indicate features like cracks caused by dehydration and different kinds of vegetation, including forest, savannah. Footprints, model of plants, animals and insects are combined to give a realistic effect.

We would be pleased to design a suitable diorama concept for your house.

We are also able to present your models on individually designed pedestals, which give an impression of the animals living space.

Diorama of the Korbach fissurefilling on display in the Wolfgang Bonhage - Museum Korbach

Diorama of the Upper Perman landscape of North Hessen State

The Upper Permian landscape and its flora and fauna is on display in the diorama of the in the Wolfgang Bonhage - Museum in Korbach, Germany. Hard rainstorms in the mountains caused a slope wash, which washed sediment and animals which couldn´t escape in the fissure. The diorama shows this ecological community in a drying wadi with waterhole and mud cracks.  Diictodons are searching for food in a dryed area. They used to live in burrows, one animal is looking out of it. The gorgonopsid Scmnognathus paaringtoni is scavenging some carcass. Soon he will find the mummified carcass of the synapsid Procynosuchus delaharpeae, which is  feeding already some cockroaches and its larvae.

Biological community of a Caribbean mangrove forest  - customized pedestal with small white mangrove tree, nighthawk, mangrove crabs and  other species.

Mangrove pedestal

The biological community of a Caribbean mangrove forest at a 1 m² pedestal, display case 1,20 cm high, visible from all sides

A small white mangrove, birds, crabs. Especially the community between the roots should be displayed during low tide including the propagation of the mangrove - a lot of topics at a small place.