
Diorama of the Upper Perman landscape of North Hessen State

The Upper Permian landscape and its flora and fauna is on display in the diorama of the in the Wolfgang Bonhage - Museum in Korbach, Germany. Hard rainstorms in the mountains caused a slope wash, which washed sediment and animals which couldn´t escape in the fissure. The diorama shows this ecological community in a drying wadi with waterhole and mud cracks.  Diictodons are searching for food in a dryed area. They used to live in burrows, one animal is looking out of it. The gorgonopsid Scmnognathus paaringtoni is scavenging some carcass. Soon he will find the mummified carcass of the synapsid Procynosuchus delaharpeae, which is  feeding already some cockroaches and its larvae.


Diorama of the Korbach fissurefilling on display in the Wolfgang Bonhage - Museum Korbach
models of diictodon. A therapsid who live in burrows.
Model of mummified carcass of cynodon Procynosuchus delaharpeae and cockroaches and their larvae feeding of the dried animals remains.