About us

We dispose of a well-equipped laboratory which enables us to choose between different techniques. We constantly enlarge the lab so as to be on the latest state of technique; in 2004 we were able to expand the workshop and thereby broaden our range by a larger PEG impregnation plant used for the conservation of fossils – a technique which very often cannot be used by museums because of the high technical expenditure for large objects. We are the only company who offers the conservation by using polyethylenglycol also for large objects.

The managing director, Mrs Susanne Klein (b. Henssen) has been the head of the “Preparational Technique” department of the company MHG - Fossil Preparation since 1996, this was the origin of the “Henssen PalaeoWerkstatt” in 1999. She underwent the qualification to Assistant in Preparational Techniques after successfully completing a preparatory artistic training and then entered the classic museum career. She was able to gain a large amount of experience through appointments and service contracts during several training units in Natural History museums and excavations inland and abroad on the one hand, and a technical traineeship in the Geological Department of the State Museum of Natural History in Karlsruhe on the other hand. Thus she could develop her manual skills and broaden her knowledge so as to ultimately find her specialization.

The specialization in casting and molding techniques, modelmaking and skeletal reconstructions as well as the cooperation with other expert colleagues having specialized in other fields have made it possible over the past few years to design and realize exhibitions in various museums so that whole exhibition of Paleontology and Zoology units can now be offered from one hand.